Ao no 6-go Saigetsufutai Hito: Time and Tide (RUS-05163) (RGR Studio)
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Отчёты программ
- Диск распознан как: Project Submarine 6 - Time And Tide (Rus) (RGR) [!] Total size: 462172128 bytes. announce\openning.adx [163044 bytes] - E4BFA320 choisal\map02.pac [124896 bytes] - E28968EA choisal\salva.pvr [524320 bytes] - 01F7C0E1 chrpac\c01.pac [248628 bytes] - 25DBC2C1 chrpac\c01.pvr [43724 bytes] - E30E96C8 chrpac\c02.pac [248184 bytes] - 97A0A58C chrpac\c02.pvr [131104 bytes] - 7E6DBB6E chrpac\c03.pac [251304 bytes] - 6091A7F8 chrpac\c03.pvr [131104 bytes] - F400378B chrpac\c04.pac [229968 bytes] - 87193B6F chrpac\c04.pvr [43724 bytes] - 3B58C6DD chrpac\c04doc.pac [120364 bytes] - F97E8C30 chrpac\c05.pac [325596 bytes] - 983EC039 chrpac\c05.pvr [174796 bytes] - 34222A27 chrpac\c06.pac [248144 bytes] - 8120D9F2 chrpac\c06.pvr [174796 bytes] - 0D460F87 chrpac\c07.pvr [43724 bytes] - C5BA0B11 chrpac\c08.pac [156972 bytes] - 8E6F4B8E chrpac\c08.pvr [43724 bytes] - 7631FD6F chrpac\c09.pac [188 bytes] - 3E1675E1 chrpac\c09.pvr [43724 bytes] - 1393D4A3 chrpac\c10.pac [253412 bytes] - C1F0935E chrpac\c10.pvr [174796 bytes] - C3BDBC31 chrpac\c11.pac [232696 bytes] - 1FFAC7FB chrpac\c11.pvr [43724 bytes] - 88D330A3 chrpac\c12.pac [184944 bytes] - 7D35424A chrpac\c12.pvr [174796 bytes] - 6EA29ABB chrpac\c13.pac [205180 bytes] - DE181320 chrpac\c13.pvr [174796 bytes] - 3EF37570 chrpac\c14.pac [226044 bytes] - 55203698 chrpac\c14.pvr [43724 bytes] - 508560B6 chrpac\c15.pac [253644 bytes] - EBA6AD5D chrpac\c15.pvr [32800 bytes] - 46F84BAB chrpac\c16.pac [166632 bytes] - FCB34BBC chrpac\c16.pvr [174796 bytes] - 3324F5CA chrpac\c162.pac [148876 bytes] - F33A232F chrpac\c17.pac [195448 bytes] - BC458FB6 chrpac\c17.pvr [174796 bytes] - 710EFF90 chrpac\c18.pac [174932 bytes] - 68D954D0 chrpac\c18.pvr [174796 bytes] - 3B55805E chrpac\c19.pac [196716 bytes] - E241C074 chrpac\c19.pvr [174796 bytes] - FD191517 chrpac\c20.pac [188828 bytes] - F7BF3E16 chrpac\c20.pvr [174796 bytes] - 18690609 chrpac\c21.pac [248596 bytes] - D328A47B chrpac\c21.pvr [43724 bytes] - A81C77F3 chrpac\c22.pac [203676 bytes] - 806777C4 chrpac\c22.pvr [174796 bytes] - 84C4EA05 chrpac\c23.pac [268932 bytes] - 715E3946 chrpac\c23.pvr [174796 bytes] - A49AF711 chrpac\c24.pac [189488 bytes] - 0D1505D0 chrpac\c24.pvr [174796 bytes] - 8CFA750D chrpac\c25.pac [252536 bytes] - 9D4E4D97 chrpac\c25.pvr [174796 bytes] - 2970BD8A chrpac\c25t.pac [241744 bytes] - 5138C166 chrpac\c26.pac [206388 bytes] - 08401A23 chrpac\c26.pvr [174796 bytes] - 20BA419F chrpac\c27.pac [200544 bytes] - FE55BE15 chrpac\c27.pvr [174796 bytes] - FE6DCA0A chrpac\c28.pac [192100 bytes] - C9F53063 chrpac\c28.pvr [174796 bytes] - 096F9F6A chrpac\c29.pac [312300 bytes] - 95954118 chrpac\c29.pvr [43724 bytes] - 40B245F3 chrpac\c30.pac [290144 bytes] - 90EDDCEC chrpac\c30.pvr [174796 bytes] - CE62F0CE chrpac\c31.pac [193056 bytes] - 439CD556 chrpac\c31.pvr [43724 bytes] - EBF1337B chrpac\c32.pvr [43724 bytes] - 2A068061 chrpac\c33.pvr [174796 bytes] - 873E5107 chrpac\c34.pvr [174796 bytes] - 80018718 chrpac\c35.pvr [174796 bytes] - 80183CF4 chrpac\c36.pvr [174796 bytes] - 4860CA0C chrpac\c37.pvr [174796 bytes] - 912E68DF chrpac\c38.pvr [43724 bytes] - 232C8420 chrpac\c39.pvr [43724 bytes] - 768D3F64 chrpac\c40.pvr [174796 bytes] - A0B009FE chrpac\cust_ran.pvr [43724 bytes] - E30E96C8 chrpac\cust_yun.pvr [43724 bytes] - E30E96C8 chrpac\default.pac [8104 bytes] - C18F9769 chrpac\dock_ran.pvr [174796 bytes] - 1F4D4BE8 chrpac\dock_yun.pvr [699084 bytes] - B3A99B2C chrpac\dog.pvr [43724 bytes] - 6B7EA7D5 chrpac\exit.pvr [43724 bytes] - 0D986662 chrpac\on.pac [10836 bytes] - 1D652F8F chrpac\ran_cust.pac [259108 bytes] - 24E82E0D chrpac\ran_dock.pac [259108 bytes] - BD51A59A chrpac\serch_l.pac [24112 bytes] - 119184E0 chrpac\target.pac [7536 bytes] - 2BD16619 confirm\fix.pvr [524320 bytes] - 731FAAF6 confirm\gs.pac [301344 bytes] - 825079BE creature\ceffect.pcp [20640 bytes] - A92D6ECD creature\crab.pac [129808 bytes] - CCC7653B creature\cyou.pac [6212 bytes] - 1BCE0AA2 creature\daio1.pac [410472 bytes] - 6DACE7CA creature\daio2.pac [236464 bytes] - 18B8F1A0 creature\daio4.pac [567140 bytes] - 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89CA91BF scen\s01c03\c09.pac [199272 bytes] - FC76F68E scen\s01c03\c26.pac [190620 bytes] - CCEB6C9E scen\s01c03\c27.pac [175512 bytes] - CF61115A scen\s01c03\c28.pac [174376 bytes] - E9CA0119 scen\s01c04\c26.pac [185960 bytes] - B72FEFC0 scen\s01c05\c26.pac [174192 bytes] - 0B648B5F scen\s01c06\c01.pac [300376 bytes] - 1FD92C8E scen\s01c07\c01.pac [267756 bytes] - 52FCE447 scen\s01c07\c09.pac [126068 bytes] - 3B11937D scen\s01c07\c09b.pac [11560 bytes] - A39DC307 scen\s01c07\c26.pac [176908 bytes] - 7988AEC1 scen\s01c07\c27.pac [160244 bytes] - 427D6EA8 scen\s01c07\c28.pac [159976 bytes] - 8DF66535 scen\s01c08\c01.pac [265752 bytes] - E99F30F8 scen\s01c09\c26.pac [171880 bytes] - 38D924D6 scen\s01c09\c27.pac [140872 bytes] - 9E2060AD scen\s01c09\c28.pac [139464 bytes] - E7CC5388 scen\s01c10\gaki_all.pac [318488 bytes] - EBE4CD86 scen\s01c11\c01.pac [459592 bytes] - F3DD39A3 scen\s01c11\c09.pac [450392 bytes] - 527FF7EA scen\s01c11\c26.pac [140568 bytes] - E455DF1F scen\s01c11\c27.pac [131352 bytes] - 58333F80 scen\s01c11\c28.pac [134632 bytes] - 5183F9C3 scen\ [17024 bytes] - 139132C8 scrap\s_back.pvr [1048608 bytes] - D2D9A25B scrap\s_front.pvr [524320 bytes] - 338BEF01 scrap\ws_back.pvr [699084 bytes] - 33D7BE75 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_1.pac [306988 bytes] - 0C4040F7 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 26BBBD74 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_2.pac [6264 bytes] - A615BC13 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 681EC2E3 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_3.pac [690284 bytes] - 5DED3FD9 script\ground\cdemo\01\c01_30.pvr [524320 bytes] - B60139BD script\ground\cdemo\01\c09_1.pac [116468 bytes] - 27D5F20D script\ground\cdemo\01\c09_10.pac [116468 bytes] - 27D5F20D script\ground\cdemo\01\c26_1.pac [296128 bytes] - B4A494E5 script\ground\cdemo\01\c26_3.pac [429772 bytes] - 16421DDB script\ground\cdemo\01\c27_1.pac [224240 bytes] - C939902D script\ground\cdemo\01\c27_3.pac [267244 bytes] - 70FA4412 script\ground\cdemo\01\c28_1.pac [257448 bytes] - B41771F8 script\ground\cdemo\01\c28_3.pac [305104 bytes] - B907A0C7 script\ground\cdemo\02\c02_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - C42DAA46 script\ground\cdemo\02\c04_1.pac [424984 bytes] - A5C83422 script\ground\cdemo\02\c50_1.pac [330872 bytes] - 581D02A3 script\ground\cdemo\02\c50_2.pac [1024508 bytes] - 9842E275 script\ground\cdemo\02\eve00.pac [325920 bytes] - D746FF47 script\ground\cdemo\02\eve02.pac [1012000 bytes] - 357F4DC3 script\ground\cdemo\03\c03_c01.pvr [524320 bytes] - 04520F8F script\ground\cdemo\03\c04_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - B856EDFC script\ground\cdemo\03\c04_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 7238138B script\ground\cdemo\03\c05_1.pac [1077456 bytes] - 3AEE87B4 script\ground\cdemo\04\c04_1.pac [87060 bytes] - B8A0287E script\ground\cdemo\04\c04_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 69FACF64 script\ground\cdemo\04\c04_2.pac [303176 bytes] - C8CDFC67 script\ground\cdemo\04\c04_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 0F14F70E script\ground\cdemo\04\c06_2.pac [875324 bytes] - CDEF91F8 script\ground\cdemo\04\c40_3.pac [2472916 bytes] - 94EBDFB9 script\ground\cdemo\05\c05_01.pvr [524320 bytes] - AD6C3D30 script\ground\cdemo\05\c10_1.pac [685208 bytes] - ADA3A3AE script\ground\cdemo\05\c11_1.pac [264268 bytes] - 4A995188 script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 60394CCD script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_2.pac [467604 bytes] - 29A653E1 script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 9EB9F843 script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_30.pvr [524320 bytes] - 83F44F45 script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_4.pac [1101432 bytes] - F8E79433 script\ground\cdemo\06\c06_5.pac [689900 bytes] - 273B1AFA script\ground\cdemo\06\c40_6.pac [462656 bytes] - DAF144A8 script\ground\cdemo\06\ctv_5.pac [536196 bytes] - 42EB2CDF script\ground\cdemo\06\ctv_7.pac [536196 bytes] - E5EF7556 script\ground\cdemo\07\bg_2.pvr [67616 bytes] - 8891E6EE script\ground\cdemo\07\bg_door.pvr [67616 bytes] - A317268F script\ground\cdemo\07\c07_00.pvr [524320 bytes] - BEF173F9 script\ground\cdemo\07\c07_01.pvr [524320 bytes] - 3950DCA2 script\ground\cdemo\07\c07_02.pvr [524320 bytes] - 005EF273 script\ground\cdemo\07\c07_1.pac [137104 bytes] - 82C58127 script\ground\cdemo\07\c10_1.pac [290400 bytes] - BEB667A1 script\ground\cdemo\07\c11_1.pac [356632 bytes] - EB0BAB32 script\ground\cdemo\07\c14_1.pac [343316 bytes] - 73D40500 script\ground\cdemo\07\c16_1.pac [260832 bytes] - B86E0DFD script\ground\cdemo\07\c16_2.pac [256672 bytes] - E688A324 script\ground\cdemo\07\cso_00.pvr [524320 bytes] - A937B63C script\ground\cdemo\07\prison.pvr [524320 bytes] - C7B38B5E script\ground\cdemo\07\w_home1.pvr [524320 bytes] - EB44AB62 script\ground\cdemo\08\c08_1.pac [217104 bytes] - 55343BF2 script\ground\cdemo\08\c08_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 43014FCA script\ground\cdemo\08\c08_2.pac [527444 bytes] - D2A8E645 script\ground\cdemo\08\c08_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 7D61A3A1 script\ground\cdemo\09\c09_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 06E1D288 script\ground\cdemo\09\c09_2.pac [671804 bytes] - E9D076CE script\ground\cdemo\09\c09_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - 0CC609C4 script\ground\cdemo\10\c00_1.pac [21796 bytes] - DFCAA903 script\ground\cdemo\10\c00_3.pac [19688 bytes] - 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63C10C90 script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_30.pvr [67616 bytes] - 1424C7B3 script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_40.pvr [67616 bytes] - 893E6C1E script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_50.pvr [67616 bytes] - 5625BFC5 script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_70.pvr [67616 bytes] - 2C60914C script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_80.pvr [67616 bytes] - CDB6284D script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_a0.pvr [67616 bytes] - 6F63163B script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_a27.pvr [32800 bytes] - 6004AFA1 script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_a28.pvr [32800 bytes] - 6622BE9C script\ground\cdemo\10\c10_a29.pvr [32800 bytes] - D73E411A script\ground\cdemo\10\s10.afs [4022272 bytes] - 15BD5116 script\ground\cdemo\11\c_01.pac [361720 bytes] - 5C31BD9F script\ground\cdemo\11\c_02.pac [203860 bytes] - BE9493B3 script\ground\cdemo\11\c_03.pac [750412 bytes] - 40F5371F script\ground\cdemo\11\c_07.pac [812544 bytes] - 602DDA70 script\ground\cdemo\11\c_08.pac [358608 bytes] - D71576BF script\ground\cdemo\11\c_12.pac [931692 bytes] - 80AD9208 script\ground\cdemo\11\c_13.pac [157088 bytes] - 264602F7 script\ground\cdemo\11\x_c05.pac [589420 bytes] - 5E369355 script\ground\cdemo\12\c01_a.pac [408004 bytes] - 61D92443 script\ground\cdemo\12\c05_5.pac [740972 bytes] - 5DF6DED8 script\ground\cdemo\12\c05_7.pac [626884 bytes] - 39E35044 script\ground\cdemo\12\c05_8.pac [434780 bytes] - C66F71F3 script\ground\cdemo\12\c05_b.pac [651408 bytes] - 15D10A3E script\ground\cdemo\12\c05_b_old.pac [639852 bytes] - 3F966A3D script\ground\cdemo\12\c06_3.pac [510824 bytes] - 1E82EEE7 script\ground\cdemo\12\c09_8.pac [116964 bytes] - A525C2F7 script\ground\cdemo\12\c10_a.pac [406448 bytes] - 21795A46 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_10.pvr [524320 bytes] - 58AF92D5 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_20.pvr [524320 bytes] - AC354D20 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_30.pvr [524320 bytes] - 99AF8986 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_40.pvr [524320 bytes] - 83337C82 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_60.pvr [524320 bytes] - 4B71DDAF script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_8a.pvr [524320 bytes] - 738D3176 script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_8b.pvr [524320 bytes] - BC9E0F5A script\ground\cdemo\12\c12_90.pvr [524320 bytes] - 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491B44D9 script\sea\map02\ [324 bytes] - BBBAD774 script\sea\map02\ [416 bytes] - 8AEAAB33 script\sea\map02\ [40604 bytes] - 9D5E9E2B script\sea\map02\ [160 bytes] - FF0F6C4B script\sea\map02\ [160 bytes] - 13AC78E9 script\sea\map02\ [160 bytes] - 0FD525EB script\sea\map02\ [228 bytes] - 1FCB9D4D script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - DEC285D0 script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - F4B7C485 script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - A04F3825 script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - BA53BCED script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - 3E62A51C script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - 6940894E script\sea\map02\ [176 bytes] - ED7190BF script\sea\map02\ [3508 bytes] - C1585404 script\sea\map02\ss02b1.pac [202064 bytes] - BC4DE99A script\sea\map02\ss02b3.pac [772708 bytes] - A4ACD46E script\sea\map02\ss02c1.pac [1826840 bytes] - D983BEDB script\sea\map03\ [404 bytes] - 88E5BA30 script\sea\map03\ [3404 bytes] - D267ABB0 script\sea\map03\front.pac [238488 bytes] - C145DBC8 script\sea\map03\gs21.pac [424 bytes] - 891BD844 script\sea\map03\ [1252 bytes] - 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2961DD22 script\sea\map04\ [8304 bytes] - D8306335 script\sea\map04\ [196 bytes] - 9A0AFFAC script\sea\map04\ [524 bytes] - 31BC47A9 script\sea\map04\ [176 bytes] - B99B1215 script\sea\map04\ [176 bytes] - EEB93E47 script\sea\map04\ [176 bytes] - 6A8827B6 script\sea\map04\ [176 bytes] - 947F0EB0 script\sea\map04\ [4348 bytes] - 625DE72D script\sea\map05\down.pac [240576 bytes] - 0719CFF1 script\sea\map05\ [372 bytes] - 7128B34A script\sea\map05\ [18780 bytes] - 5234CE4D script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - A395E8D7 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 27A4F126 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 7086DD74 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 74FFEBD3 script\sea\map05\ [188 bytes] - A4E892CD script\sea\map05\ [224 bytes] - 5CB21179 script\sea\map05\ [396 bytes] - 3B5062A7 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - C704D1EA script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 4335C81B script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 1417E449 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - 9026FDB8 script\sea\map05\ [176 bytes] - E60AD857 script\sea\map05\ [13052 bytes] - 9A1E06C5 script\sea\map05\ss04d2.pac [483672 bytes] - 1030D5E4 script\sea\map05\ [832 bytes] - E6988CB2 script\sea\map05\ [196 bytes] - 7EA0969C script\sea\map05\ [232 bytes] - E1255783 script\sea\map05\ [4052 bytes] - AE052024 script\sea\map05\ [4052 bytes] - CAE47381 script\sea\map06\gs10.pac [499616 bytes] - 055F6240 script\sea\map06\ [3048 bytes] - 4083F462 script\sea\map06\ [232 bytes] - 66C4F409 script\sea\map06\ [3688 bytes] - BA52C68B script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - 041A683F script\sea\map06\ [192 bytes] - 18101D5B script\sea\map06\ [240 bytes] - D7C08B3E script\sea\map06\ [252 bytes] - F036FC40 script\sea\map06\ [228 bytes] - 1AC97A0B script\sea\map06\ [1268 bytes] - 68F7B178 script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - 40FD66E3 script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - C4CC7F12 script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - 93EE5340 script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - 17DF4AB1 script\sea\map06\ [176 bytes] - 3DAA0BE4 script\sea\map06\ [1736 bytes] - 29463B87 script\sea\map06\ [1572 bytes] - B75594A0 script\sea\map06\ [1196 bytes] - E700802F script\sea\map06\ [1368 bytes] - 3D53CE9D script\sea\map06\ [456 bytes] - 31034B30 script\sea\map06\up.pac [240936 bytes] - 726D81F1 script\sea\map07\ [868 bytes] - 40533238 script\sea\map07\ [176 bytes] - 3A3B5614 script\sea\map07\ [176 bytes] - BE0A4FE5 script\sea\map07\ [176 bytes] - 6ED1D4BE script\sea\map07\ [176 bytes] - EAE0CD4F script\sea\map07\ [176 bytes] - BDC2E11D script\sea\map07\ [744 bytes] - 3B872DDB script\sea\map07\ss05b.pac [424 bytes] - BAC65ADA script\sea\map07\ [17440 bytes] - BFB3F872 script\sea\map08\ [460 bytes] - B3B6F5AA script\sea\map08\ [2412 bytes] - 2335052D script\sea\map08\ [9048 bytes] - F5176C33 script\sea\map08\ [216 bytes] - 8CFA07E3 script\sea\map08\ [192 bytes] - 2D60D7D2 script\sea\map08\ [192 bytes] - 292801F6 script\sea\map08\ [272 bytes] - AF61B4F0 script\sea\map08\ [216 bytes] - C6F07604 script\sea\map08\ [192 bytes] - 377DA674 script\sea\map08\ [192 bytes] - 4A10DD31 script\sea\map08\gs25a1.pac [205012 bytes] - 8B62A6F1 script\sea\map08\gs26b.pac [1040732 bytes] - B69E25DC script\sea\map08\gs26c.pac [769244 bytes] - 0E3224CF script\sea\map08\gs26d.pac [1122924 bytes] - E009E0DE script\sea\map08\ [13916 bytes] - 529FC55E script\sea\map08\ [480 bytes] - C5EC65D2 script\sea\map08\ [176 bytes] - 104E1741 script\sea\map08\ [176 bytes] - 476C3B13 script\sea\map08\ [176 bytes] - C35D22E2 script\sea\map08\ [176 bytes] - E92863B7 script\sea\map08\ [176 bytes] - 6D197A46 script\sea\map08\ [6616 bytes] - 159EA71D script\sea\map09\ [2952 bytes] - C594ED6E script\sea\map09\mr_in.pac [241800 bytes] - 2356F381 script\sea\map09\ [176 bytes] - 39F3F8EC script\sea\map09\ [176 bytes] - 1386B9B9 script\sea\map09\ [176 bytes] - 97B7A048 script\sea\map09\ [176 bytes] - C0958C1A script\sea\map09\ [176 bytes] - 623BC1A6 script\sea\map09\ [5452 bytes] - 956BADC8 script\sea\map09\ [2960 bytes] - 8FAD001A script\sea\map10\ [716 bytes] - 26E17B6C script\sea\map10\ [56008 bytes] - 4658CAAD script\sea\map10\ [176 bytes] - 7C3BBAEF script\sea\map10\ [72 bytes] - E570D65D script\sea\map11\ [164 bytes] - CC4E6A11 script\sea\map11\ [80 bytes] - 205109E9 script\sea\map11\ [7384 bytes] - 33063502 script\sea\map11\ [72 bytes] - E570D65D script\sea\tutorial\ [11472 bytes] - 2B04E2A4 script\sea\tutorial\ [9644 bytes] - 9EC2D34A script\sea\tutorial\ [272 bytes] - A1F884D6 script\sea\tutorial\ [388 bytes] - C06B11F9 script\sea\tutorial\ [340 bytes] - BA94718B script\sea\tutorial\ [512 bytes] - 7C2419C0 script\sea\tutorial\ [700 bytes] - D90DDA99 script\sea\tutorial\tuto_ad3.pac [262824 bytes] - 3C8EB2B9 script\akkai.adx [61722 bytes] - 2BF03B5B script\cdemo.afs [23662592 bytes] - D711C33D script\gadx.afs [32532480 bytes] - 6AE91F0C script\sorasu.adx [41778 bytes] - 45069D24 script\wadx.afs [36220928 bytes] - 3A0539B3 script\wadx11.adx [159744 bytes] - 7EB7357E senmenu\avmenu.pvr [32800 bytes] - DE29F06A senmenu\cface01.pvr [6176 bytes] - 8B5EA25A senmenu\cface02.pvr [6176 bytes] - AEBDEAC4 senmenu\cface03.pvr [6176 bytes] - AA3A2959 senmenu\cface04.pvr [6176 bytes] - 7F85C326 senmenu\cface05.pvr [6176 bytes] - C4B88443 senmenu\cface06.pvr [6176 bytes] - 19EEBA32 senmenu\cface07.pvr [6176 bytes] - D2FC3465 senmenu\cface08.pvr [6176 bytes] - E4B21A37 senmenu\cface09.pvr [6176 bytes] - 807ABF98 senmenu\cface10.pvr [6176 bytes] - A940BB03 senmenu\cface11.pvr [6176 bytes] - CB4AFA94 senmenu\cface12.pvr [6176 bytes] - 2CDDF898 senmenu\cface13.pvr [6176 bytes] - D5DC378F senmenu\cface14.pvr [6176 bytes] - 8C29F664 senmenu\cface15.pvr [6176 bytes] - 84AD4A0F senmenu\cface16.pvr [6176 bytes] - 758D4EF1 senmenu\corrmenu.pvr [32800 bytes] - 1CCD91FD senmenu\map.pvr [524320 bytes] - B2D2910B senmenu\map00.pvr [351616 bytes] - 99E7981C senmenu\map01.pvr [264224 bytes] - 0B1A6369 senmenu\map02.pvr [264224 bytes] - C46B4A67 senmenu\map03.pvr [264224 bytes] - 0DDBB8A1 senmenu\map04.pvr [264224 bytes] - EF096273 senmenu\map05.pvr [264224 bytes] - 522FF61F senmenu\map06.pvr [264224 bytes] - 2A2CAF56 senmenu\map07.pvr [264224 bytes] - 88B1E87A senmenu\map08.pvr [264224 bytes] - 1D23736D senmenu\map09.pvr [264224 bytes] - A2F567BF senmenu\map10.pvr [264224 bytes] - 832C95FB senmenu\map11.pvr [264224 bytes] - A6110D4E senmenu\senmenu.pvr [524320 bytes] - C3D8BF3C sound\bgm01.mpb [687072 bytes] - B6789704 sound\bgm01.msb [20160 bytes] - A50D5949 sound\bgm02.mpb [533120 bytes] - 58599542 sound\bgm02.msb [12928 bytes] - 5F5F55C2 sound\bgm03.mpb [568064 bytes] - 47936679 sound\bgm03.msb [14976 bytes] - 758F401B sound\bgm04.mpb [467840 bytes] - 8521F449 sound\bgm04.msb [9728 bytes] - 201F077E sound\bgm05.mpb [679808 bytes] - F8984A40 sound\bgm05.msb [14080 bytes] - 7D131870 sound\manatee.drv [36768 bytes] - 1297AA07 sound\map.mlt [384 bytes] - 6F7CB316 sound\se.fob [128 bytes] - B65C2364 sound\se.fpb [3584 bytes] - 0463E52D sound\se.osb [597760 bytes] - E27373C1 staff\camera.njc [80 bytes] - D642AD1E staff\camera.njm [1140 bytes] - 8CA1406A staff\camera.pac [8364 bytes] - BDB29724 staff\gonlogo.pvr [65568 bytes] - A6994C1D staff\segalogo.pvr [65568 bytes] - 850FA2EF staff\staff.pac [582664 bytes] - 616CC524 staff\staffcam.njc [80 bytes] - 57ACDA63 staff\staffcam.njm [2284 bytes] - 56E4331D sys\00.pvr [524320 bytes] - 111DCCCE sys\01.pvr [524320 bytes] - 3FA7C0C2 sys\02.pvr [524320 bytes] - 7C3CC78C sys\sc.pvr [524320 bytes] - 0B05D2AA sys\system.pvr [131104 bytes] - 4E573E64 sys\vms0.pvp [48 bytes] - 09DF2FD7 sys\vms0.pvr [544 bytes] - DD77641E sys\vms1.pvr [544 bytes] - D55CFA73 sys\vms2.pvr [544 bytes] - 25CCDF70 thing\boat1.pac [38148 bytes] - D423E272 thing\boat2.pac [35192 bytes] - 27C516D7 thing\boat3.pac [48796 bytes] - 69CBCF19 thing\car1.pac [14952 bytes] - AAD915D9 thing\car2.pac [16608 bytes] - 7E0B8996 thing\car3.pac [13948 bytes] - 3CADDA2F thing\car4.pac [12936 bytes] - 275C3A1C thing\gareki.pac [24624 bytes] - B3AEDFBE thing\hahen1.pac [119428 bytes] - ECB032C4 thing\hahen2.pac [79280 bytes] - CBA43445 thing\hahen3.pac [71836 bytes] - 5BF23594 thing\hahen4.pac [30368 bytes] - 1263D074 thing\hahen5.pac [62012 bytes] - 741028D8 thing\hahen6.pac [70196 bytes] - 0ABEF57A thing\hahen7.pac [18616 bytes] - BACF9C80 thing\hahen8.pac [21540 bytes] - 87FFDAEC thing\hahen9.pac [21532 bytes] - 32410986 thing\rock1.pac [11152 bytes] - EA39C046 thing\rock2.pac [10476 bytes] - 583582AF thing\sail.pac [361148 bytes] - 40FED7C5 thing\train1.pac [30184 bytes] - EC380727 thing\train2.pac [42956 bytes] - 430552C2 thing\train3.pac [67740 bytes] - 91D6BF2A thing\wbox.pac [15300 bytes] - D5314D22 title\aologo4.pvr [524320 bytes] - F0A552A6 title\logoq.pvr [524320 bytes] - 329E0BCF title\menuback.pvr [524320 bytes] - 53CDFCC0 title\menus.pvr [131104 bytes] - 35190C55 water\bcm\map00.bcm [34828 bytes] - A5F67071 water\bcm\map00.pcp [2154928 bytes] - BCEA0CF1 water\bcm\map01.bcm [24724 bytes] - 07C6DAC1 water\bcm\map01.pcp [2291376 bytes] - B703E2C0 water\bcm\map02.bcm [57216 bytes] - 842A769C water\bcm\map03.bcm [22564 bytes] - F27AAEBD water\bcm\map03.pcp [1539236 bytes] - B46F72A0 water\bcm\map04.bcm [41032 bytes] - 9B9F5121 water\bcm\map04.pcp [1715780 bytes] - BA7D9EE6 water\bcm\map05.bcm [42692 bytes] - 1543461D water\bcm\map05.pcp [1303156 bytes] - 9CEE4CD7 water\bcm\map06.bcm [31332 bytes] - 8A1F1A36 water\bcm\map06.pcp [1784916 bytes] - 3F4D45E9 water\bcm\map07.bcm [30360 bytes] - 71DE7D6C water\bcm\map07b.bcm [3060 bytes] - FA7559D8 water\bcm\map08.bcm [39292 bytes] - 594FD49A water\bcm\map08.pcp [1759792 bytes] - 629BBC20 water\bcm\map09.bcm [23556 bytes] - 5972DE7D water\bcm\map10.bcm [19244 bytes] - 05BDB101 water\bcm\map11.bcm [30276 bytes] - 70E36E09 water\bcm\map12.bcm [20804 bytes] - E3C80540 water\bcm\map13.bcm [8188 bytes] - 3471B926 water\bcm\map14.bcm [28244 bytes] - B591949B water\bcm\map15.bcm [17452 bytes] - 9702AFA4 water\item\sl01_cont.pac [35984 bytes] - D80B2D18 water\item\sl02_kinko.pac [28868 bytes] - 0EB3EB14 water\item\sl03_boat.pac [193288 bytes] - 611795CA water\item\sl07_tanker.pac [76592 bytes] - F53235BE water\item\sl08_bag.pac [26320 bytes] - 19AA6586 water\item\sl09_pod_la.pac [35216 bytes] - 3B356DF5 water\item\sl10_pod_lb.pac [42564 bytes] - B5B83050 water\item\sl11_pod_lc.pac [40796 bytes] - 19F87946 water\item\sl12_pod_ma.pac [35216 bytes] - 138F77B2 water\item\sl13_pod_mb.pac [42564 bytes] - 89F2936F water\item\sl14_pod_mc.pac [40804 bytes] - BCDB9DB5 water\item\sl15_tricy.pac [19944 bytes] - 7482FE51 water\item\sl16_wbox.pac [12952 bytes] - 48CB1EC2 water\item\sl17_light.pac [38828 bytes] - 3ACD6D3E water\item\sl18_bench.pac [11924 bytes] - 82A7A66C water\item\sl21_bag2.pac [22684 bytes] - 285BB325 water\item\sl22_torpedo.pac [20420 bytes] - 86829BE1 water\item\sl23_bus.pac [31232 bytes] - 83F57459 water\item\sl24_moter.pac [25244 bytes] - DA96BD37 water\item\sl25_drum.pac [30112 bytes] - E53BDC7E water\item\sl26_dia.pac [27984 bytes] - 71106B53 water\item\sl27_bench.pac [18168 bytes] - 189B04EE water\item\sl28_pod_sa.pac [25660 bytes] - 050FCEC3 water\item\sl29_pod_sb.pac [35484 bytes] - AB20A8B7 water\item\sl30_pod_sc.pac [30104 bytes] - 952F13FF water\pacs\disp.pac [31028 bytes] - 7C78DA63 water\pacs\ms_under.pac [193008 bytes] - 7B22AA77 water\pacs\weapon.pcp [244564 bytes] - C0A1D4F1 water\armf_z.pvr [2080 bytes] - 32BD364A water\armn_y.pvr [6176 bytes] - C04B9028 water\armu_y.pvr [6176 bytes] - 61AC4E62 water\b_gray.pvr [544 bytes] - 3AD2B197 water\b_purpl.pvr [2080 bytes] - 2699F655 water\h_nami1.pvr [6176 bytes] - 20AC297B water\h_nami2.pvr [6176 bytes] - 8E0E0346 water\h_nami3.pvr [6176 bytes] - 22C9068B water\lay.pcp [270696 bytes] - 6257B7CF water\nami1.pcp [41968 bytes] - 627D10B4 water\nami2.pcp [41968 bytes] - A1AF496E water\particle.pcp [40880 bytes] - B9E0E104 water\sfish.pcp [11048 bytes] - 8DC6C6CC water\smap00.pvr [32800 bytes] - 1A788A98 water\smap01.pvr [32800 bytes] - 61E0E258 water\smap02.pvr [32800 bytes] - 82961E5B water\smap03.pvr [32800 bytes] - 52129EE5 water\smap04.pvr [32800 bytes] - D5148398 water\smap05.pvr [32800 bytes] - CFE769FA water\smap06.pvr [32800 bytes] - 6BC5C6E8 water\smap07.pvr [32800 bytes] - 250C05FD water\smap07b.pvr [32800 bytes] - CA7AAC82 water\smap08.pvr [32800 bytes] - 29A7875E water\smap09.pvr [32800 bytes] - A77E7670 water\smap10.pvr [32800 bytes] - 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- Disc Information: Status: Complete State of Last Session: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 2 Sectors: 238 364 Size: 488 169 472 bytes Time: 53:00:14 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Read Speeds: 48x TOC Information: Сессия 1... (LBA: 0 / 00:02:00) -> Track 01 (Audio, 00:04:00, LBA: 0 / 00:02:00) -> LeadOut (LBA: 300 / 00:06:00) Сессия 2... (LBA: 11700 / 02:38:00) -> Track 02 (Mode 2, Form 1, LBA: 11700 / 02:38:00) -> LeadOut (LBA: 238364 / 53:00:14) Track Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, LTS: 300, LRA: 0) Session 2... -> Track 02 (LTSA: 11700, LTS: 226664, LRA: 0)
- IsoBuster Pro v3.3 Build Физических ошибок нет. Диск в хорошем состоянии. В этом объекте нет нечитаемых секторов.
MD5: CD5E2B35AFAF6F6690980AB8E5110639
Издательский код: ОТСУТСТВУЕТ (серия CD-R)
У меня есть ещё одно издание. Пока контрольные суммы сделать не могу. Но есть обложки:,,
А перевод (хех, перевод, да) там такой же?
Да и шрифт тот же