European Super League (DC-версия) (RUS-05172) (Koteuz)
Описание перевода
Перевод найден на сборнике. Метка диска: KOTEUZ (в графе авторы перевода указан Koteuz), хотя присутствует логотип Кудос. И данная игра есть здесь: РусПеревод. Отсутствует музыка. Дам снялся без ошибок программой DiscJuggler, но при проверке диска и файла образа, ImgBurn выдал не совпадения.
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Сборник из 2-х спортивных игр для Сега Дримкаст. Перевод: Koteuz, издано: Kudos.
Отчёты программ
- DreamBeam: Метка диска (Volume Label): KOTEUZ Total size: 698605855 bytes. europe\common\database\dump.dat [65536 bytes] - C8C87589 europe\common\fe\ccset.bin [13542 bytes] - E5EA47CB europe\common\fe\chssides.bin [18310 bytes] - F1EFDA25 europe\common\fe\chsteam1.bin [2434 bytes] - 374F97B6 europe\common\fe\clgt.bin [7990 bytes] - AE13D917 europe\common\fe\clset.bin [1370 bytes] - B5761F6B europe\common\fe\clteams.bin [1998 bytes] - 7B9D0CE7 europe\common\fe\eslcht.bin [302 bytes] - 131DD161 europe\common\fe\eslgsd.bin [302 bytes] - 14168ED3 europe\common\fe\eslgtf.bin [41170 bytes] - E4836259 europe\common\fe\eslinj.bin [302 bytes] - CF156106 europe\common\fe\eslksd.bin [302 bytes] - 012610CD europe\common\fe\eslms.bin [1786 bytes] - 473ABD07 europe\common\fe\eslres.bin [1562 bytes] - 47BB6840 europe\common\fe\eslstat.bin [15578 bytes] - 760E60C8 europe\common\fe\eslto.bin [302 bytes] - 30610D8B europe\common\fe2\bars.bin [2034 bytes] - E75E335C europe\common\fe2\dccard.bin [21914 bytes] - 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009B19E1 europe\dc\textures\loading\dctrainita.cpf [655440 bytes] - C2765206 europe\dc\textures\loading\dctrainpor.cpf [655440 bytes] - FD61FC7B europe\dc\textures\loading\dctrainspa.cpf [655440 bytes] - 8851AB0E europe\dc\textures\loading\engtofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - AADBD17E europe\dc\textures\loading\fcbh.pvr [32784 bytes] - AC7009F8 europe\dc\textures\loading\frntofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - 33CA908F europe\dc\textures\loading\gertofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - 43307A66 europe\dc\textures\loading\goth.pvr [32784 bytes] - 171C7D9E europe\dc\textures\loading\inth.pvr [32784 bytes] - CC526F5A europe\dc\textures\loading\itatofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - 83672A66 europe\dc\textures\loading\juvh.pvr [32784 bytes] - 02DE48EB europe\dc\textures\loading\livh.pvr [32784 bytes] - 8578D7F9 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2eng.cpf [655440 bytes] - 1029CC63 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2fr.cpf [655440 bytes] - DD4760D6 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2ger.cpf [655440 bytes] - 87BA7B64 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2it.cpf [655440 bytes] - 45573083 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2por.cpf [655440 bytes] - 730B2342 europe\dc\textures\loading\load2sp.cpf [655440 bytes] - 0F70C98B europe\dc\textures\loading\manh.pvr [32784 bytes] - 23F69B0D europe\dc\textures\loading\marh.pvr [32784 bytes] - 397E9022 europe\dc\textures\loading\olyh.pvr [32784 bytes] - BD2DC8DC europe\dc\textures\loading\portofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - AADBD17E europe\dc\textures\loading\psgh.pvr [32784 bytes] - C9C3C1DA europe\dc\textures\loading\rmah.pvr [32784 bytes] - 77B5C7C0 europe\dc\textures\loading\slbh.pvr [32784 bytes] - 6CF11205 europe\dc\textures\loading\spntofe.cpf [655440 bytes] - 5323B6BA europe\dc\textures\loading\s_a640eb.cpf [655440 bytes] - 50BABCBD europe\dc\textures\loading\s_a640nb.cpf [655440 bytes] - 152135CB europe\dc\textures\loading\title.cpf [655440 bytes] - BE49B01F europe\dc\textures\loading\title2.cpf [655440 bytes] - 9DEDC5D7 europe\dc\textures\loading\trainh.pvr [32784 bytes] - D78FB705 europe\dc\textures\stadiums\ [323186 bytes] - 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CA3E9BF2 europe\intunqual.sfd [2850816 bytes] - 0B72FC15 europe\intwin.sfd [4175872 bytes] - 08064694 europe\juv.adx [14886912 bytes] - 06613F18 europe\juvlose.sfd [2832384 bytes] - 1ADC901C europe\juvqual.sfd [3117056 bytes] - A2BEB2BF europe\juvunqual.sfd [2850816 bytes] - AA62A965 europe\juvwin.sfd [4175872 bytes] - 9C209AF9 europe\liv.adx [14886912 bytes] - 6CFF20B3 europe\livlose.sfd [2832384 bytes] - 40ACAE7F europe\livqual.sfd [3119104 bytes] - EFD8E189 europe\livunqual.sfd [2852864 bytes] - 55AD6DF3 europe\livwin.sfd [4173824 bytes] - 191B44D7 europe\man.adx [14886912 bytes] - D19512AE europe\manlose.sfd [2832384 bytes] - 8DC6E6D0 europe\manqual.sfd [3117056 bytes] - F7025F7C europe\manunqual.sfd [2852864 bytes] - 687C553D europe\manwin.sfd [4173824 bytes] - F40D7B5C europe\marlose.sfd [2832384 bytes] - 23689B8C europe\marqual.sfd [3117056 bytes] - 49E4A383 europe\marunqual.sfd [2854912 bytes] - 57F8AE0E europe\marwin.sfd [4173824 bytes] - 4F65AB5C europe\morecrwd.acx [1530852 bytes] - 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- I 12:15:54 ImgBurn Version started! I 12:15:54 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) I 12:15:54 Total Physical Memory: 8 335 816 KiB - Available: 4 262 936 KiB W 12:15:54 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance. I 12:15:54 Initialising SPTI... I 12:15:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 12:15:54 -> Drive 1 - Info: ASUS DRW-24D5MT 1.00 (G:) (SATA) I 12:15:54 -> Drive 2 - Info: LEFER 5MV856F 3.5Z (H:) (SCSI) I 12:15:54 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM and 1 BD-ROM! I 12:16:00 Operation Started! I 12:16:00 Source Device: [2:0:0] ASUS DRW-24D5MT 1.00 (G:) (SATA) I 12:16:00 Source Media Type: CD-ROM I 12:16:00 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 10x; 16x; 24x; 32x; 40x I 12:16:00 Source Media Supported Write Speeds: 48x I 12:16:00 Source Media Sectors: 355 360 I 12:16:00 Source Media Size: 835 806 720 bytes I 12:16:00 Image File: D:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\[DC] Games\[DC] [2 in 1] European Super League & NBA Hoopz [Kudos_koteuz]\2 in 1 European Super League & NBA Hoopz [Kudos koteuz].cdi I 12:16:00 Image File Sectors: 355 360 (AUDIO/2352) I 12:16:00 Image File Size: 830 308 160 bytes I 12:16:00 Image File Volume Identifier: KOTEUZ I 12:16:00 Image File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660/HFS FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR I 12:16:00 Image File File System(s): ISO9660 I 12:16:00 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX I 12:16:01 Read Speed - Effective: 40x I 12:16:01 Verifying Session 1 of 2... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 299) I 12:16:01 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (AUDIO/2352, LBA: 0 - 299) I 12:16:03 Verifying Session 2 of 2... (1 Track, LBA: 11700 - 355359) I 12:16:03 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE2/FORM1/2352, LBA: 11700 - 355359) W 12:18:27 Miscompare at LBA: 315113, Offset: 2326 W 12:18:27 Device: 0xA0 W 12:18:27 Image File: 0x38 W 12:18:27 Total Errors in Sector: 3 W 12:18:27 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:27 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:28 Miscompare at LBA: 315157, Offset: 2288 W 12:18:28 Device: 0x2B W 12:18:28 Image File: 0x0B W 12:18:28 Total Errors in Sector: 1 W 12:18:28 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:28 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:29 Miscompare at LBA: 315221, Offset: 2278 W 12:18:29 Device: 0x91 W 12:18:29 Image File: 0x61 W 12:18:29 Total Errors in Sector: 2 W 12:18:29 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:29 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:31 Miscompare at LBA: 315308, Offset: 2307 W 12:18:31 Device: 0xC3 W 12:18:31 Image File: 0xE3 W 12:18:31 Total Errors in Sector: 2 W 12:18:31 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:31 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:32 Miscompare at LBA: 315329, Offset: 2347 W 12:18:32 Device: 0x53 W 12:18:32 Image File: 0xA9 W 12:18:32 Total Errors in Sector: 3 W 12:18:32 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 315394, Offset: 2309 W 12:18:33 Device: 0x62 W 12:18:33 Image File: 0x30 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 1 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 315416, Offset: 2250 W 12:18:33 Device: 0x9A W 12:18:33 Image File: 0x72 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 2 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 315437, Offset: 2326 W 12:18:33 Device: 0x2D W 12:18:33 Image File: 0x11 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 3 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 315502, Offset: 2348 W 12:18:33 Device: 0xA5 W 12:18:33 Image File: 0xC4 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 2 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 319518, Offset: 2260 W 12:18:33 Device: 0x54 W 12:18:33 Image File: 0x44 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 1 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:33 Miscompare at LBA: 320148, Offset: 2322 W 12:18:33 Device: 0x83 W 12:18:33 Image File: 0x87 W 12:18:33 Total Errors in Sector: 1 W 12:18:33 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:33 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:38 Miscompare at LBA: 334436, Offset: 2263 W 12:18:38 Device: 0x0D W 12:18:38 Image File: 0x05 W 12:18:38 Total Errors in Sector: 4 W 12:18:38 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:38 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:38 Miscompare at LBA: 334481, Offset: 2313 W 12:18:38 Device: 0xB9 W 12:18:38 Image File: 0xBA W 12:18:38 Total Errors in Sector: 2 W 12:18:38 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:38 Verifying Sectors... W 12:18:38 Miscompare at LBA: 334812, Offset: 2294 W 12:18:38 Device: 0xEE W 12:18:38 Image File: 0x0E W 12:18:38 Total Errors in Sector: 1 W 12:18:38 Note: The drive probably corrected the L-EC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 12:18:38 Verifying Sectors... I 12:18:46 Exporting Graph Data... I 12:18:46 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Andrey Gross\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_DRW-24D5MT_1.00_23-ИЮНЬ-2019-Г-_12-16_N-A.ibg I 12:18:46 Export Successfully Completed! I 12:18:46 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:45 I 12:18:46 Average Verify Rate: 4 974 KiB/s (25.1x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 6 897 KiB/s (34.9x)
- Iso Buster PRO v.2.8.5 (Build В этом объекте нет нечитаемых секторов. Для достоверности может потребоваться сканирование/чтение.
MD5: 6AF4521ACDBCAC0439B290586EA2266D
Издательский код: 88-492 (серия 88-NNN)
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