Crazy Taxi 2 (RUS-04514) (Koteuz)
Описание перевода
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Метка диска: Koteuz.
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Всего: 1
(? Список характеристик известных образов и обложек с данным переводом. Подробнее про издания можно прочитать здесь.)
Перевод Kotez, обложки Kudos.
Отчёты программ
- DreamBeam: Метка Диска (Volumer Label): KOTEUZ g:\file1.cfg - ошибка чтения g:\file2.cfg - ошибка чтения Total size: 652870659 bytes. dpetc\chat.dps [21732 bytes] - A823F5BC dpetc\dp3.dps [138782 bytes] - 831FAF20 dpetc\dp3sound.mlt [1721120 bytes] - 7CE6C097 dpetc\manatee.drv [36768 bytes] - D27ADC6C dpetc\message.ini [83425 bytes] - D724EB20 dpetc\ntp.dps [3766 bytes] - 68450BD0 dpetc\pm.dps [12663 bytes] - EB586C7F dpetc\softkey.dps [248221 bytes] - A3AA8CA3 dpetc\vms.dps [7596 bytes] - 80F69D5B dpfont\s18rm04p.dat [702720 bytes] - D5364322 dpfont\s20rm04p.dat [780800 bytes] - 1A3FD947 dpfont\s24rm04p.dat [1124352 bytes] - 366A74A6 dpfont\s26rm04p.dat [1421056 bytes] - 3EBCFC3C dpmodel\tc2_c.gif [2154 bytes] - 68EAE956 dptex\bank00.pvp [1040 bytes] - A0C83D3B dptex\bank01.pvp [1040 bytes] - BA660DAE dptex\bank02.pvp [1040 bytes] - 6CDB1932 dptex\bank03.pvp [1040 bytes] - 8236C731 dptex\c_m_s.pvr [67616 bytes] - E948D29C dptex\jyoucyu0.pvr [524320 bytes] - 671FE013 dptex\jyoucyu1.pvr [67616 bytes] - 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75BB3B94 texpsg0.bin [517088 bytes] - 821716CA voiceadx.afs [38754304 bytes] - 789F22E0 voiceadx.eng [38754304 bytes] - 57CAF3D1 volume.pvr [32800 bytes] - 6756B88C water.pvr [174796 bytes] - 4D9C14D5 window.pvr [18464 bytes] - 3C53CD45 x.pvr [43724 bytes] - 1A6D402B y.pvr [43724 bytes] - DD9A8A44
- I 15:11:01 ImgBurn Version started! I 15:11:01 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) I 15:11:01 Total Physical Memory: 8 335 816 KiB - Available: 3 817 620 KiB W 15:11:01 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance. I 15:11:01 Initialising SPTI... I 15:11:01 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 15:11:01 -> Drive 1 - Info: ASUS DRW-24D5MT 1.00 (G:) (SATA) I 15:11:01 -> Drive 2 - Info: LEFER 5MV856F 3.5Z (H:) (SCSI) I 15:11:01 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM and 1 BD-ROM! I 15:11:09 Operation Started! I 15:11:09 Source Device: [2:0:0] ASUS DRW-24D5MT 1.00 (G:) (SATA) I 15:11:09 Source Media Type: CD-ROM I 15:11:09 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 10x; 16x; 24x; 32x; 40x; 48x I 15:11:09 Source Media Supported Write Speeds: 48x I 15:11:09 Source Media Sectors: 330 685 I 15:11:09 Source Media Size: 777 771 120 bytes I 15:11:09 Image File: D:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\[DC] Games\[DC] Crazy Taxi 2 [Koteuz]\Crazy Taxi 2 [KOTEUZ].cdi I 15:11:09 Image File Sectors: 330 685 (AUDIO/2352) I 15:11:09 Image File Size: 772 667 360 bytes I 15:11:09 Image File Volume Identifier: KOTEUZ I 15:11:09 Image File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660/HFS FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR I 15:11:09 Image File File System(s): ISO9660 I 15:11:09 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX I 15:11:10 Read Speed - Effective: 48x I 15:11:11 Verifying Session 1 of 2... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 299) I 15:11:11 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (AUDIO/2352, LBA: 0 - 299) I 15:11:14 Verifying Session 2 of 2... (1 Track, LBA: 11700 - 330684) I 15:11:14 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE2/FORM1/2352, LBA: 11700 - 330684) I 15:13:17 Exporting Graph Data... I 15:13:17 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Andrey Gross\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_DRW-24D5MT_1.00_22-ИЮНЬ-2019-Г-_15-11_N-A.ibg I 15:13:17 Export Successfully Completed! I 15:13:17 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:06 I 15:13:17 Average Verify Rate: 6 036 KiB/s (30.5x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 8 121 KiB/s (41.0x)
- Iso Buster PRO v.2.8.5 (Build В этом объекте нет нечитаемых секторов. Для достоверности может потребоваться сканирование/чтение.
Издательский код: 88-320 (серия 88-NNN)
Так же в игре присутствует лоадер.